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Words surround us. Salvation is communication. The more we study and learn, the more we can realize how absolutely vital art is to our lives. Through art, we live and move and have our being.. We want to come alongside writers and artists and make their words and works ring with authentic intent.

We want The Driftwood to reflect the myriad narratives that flow throughout our campus. Our student body is filled with hands and feet and fingers and each has a place and a part and a voice. The voice of the artist can sing out suddenly in unexpected places. We want to work with artists, assemble their work, and find these voices.

Who We Are

We are the creative arts journal of Point Loma Nazarene University, seeking to exemplify all that our community professes as a place of intellectual endeavor and creative exploration.

2015 is available now!

Pick up your copy for only $5 outside the cafeteria or at the LJML office in Bond Academic Center. Order copies online by sending an email to